» Pressemitteilungen » ACEA-Positionspapier zu den Anforderungen an Tank- und Ladeinfrastruktur für schwere Lkw
European truck manufacturers are fully committed to reaching carbon neutrality in road freight transport by 2050 at the latest. Low‐ and especially zero‐emission vehicles will play a crucial role in reaching this target, their numbers and range will increase rapidly over the next few years.
However, as this position paper shows, the infrastructure that is indispensable to operate, charge and refuel these trucks is almost completely missing. The review of the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive (AFID) presents a crucial opportunity to set dedicated and binding infrastructure targets on the European and member state level for low‐ and zero‐emission heavy‐duty vehicles.
The AFID must be revised to take account of the requirements of heavy‐duty vehicles and to facilitate the swift roll‐out of a dense charging and refuelling network across all European member states.
It should specifically set a target of 10,000‐15,000 (higher‐power) public and destination charging points no later than 2025, and 40,000‐50,000 charging points no later than 2030. In addition, a target of at least 40,000 lower power (100 kW) public overnight chargers at truck parking areas along the highways should be set for 2030.
To ensure that the necessary number of charging points are available by 2025 and 2030 in all EU member states, binding targets should be set per member state according to the proposed methodology.
In addition, a target of around 300 truck‐suitable hydrogen refuelling stations by 2025, and at least 1,000 no later than 2030 should be set. Moreover, one hydrogen refuelling site should be available every 200 km on the TEN‐T core network by 2030. A hydrogen refuelling station for trucks should have a minimum daily capacity of at least six tonnes of H2 with at least two dispensers per stations.
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